Sunday, July 1, 2012

Bobby Jindal: We're not going to set up exchanges to help people.

On Meet the Press this morning, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal was adamant: Louisiana isn't going to allow people to competitively shop for health insurance.  He clearly stated that Louisiana wasn't going to set up the insurance exchanges that would allow individuals and small businesses to shop for competitive health insurance rates.

Curious: With the federal government footing the bill to set up health insurance exchanges, Bobby Jindal is rejecting this key requirement to help lower entry costs for individuals and small businesses to gain health care insurance.  If it was a matter of the federal budget, then shouldn't Bobby Jindal ALSO be in favor of Louisiana giving back the excess monies collected from the feds, in relationship to what it paid in taxes?

Just more hypocrisy, right?  When it comes to special interest spending via pork barrel budgets, Bobby Jindal is for more federal debt, but when it comes to the political theater of healthcare reform and the re-election of President Obama, he's decidedly against federal money that would improve the lives of many Louisianans.

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