Monday, July 9, 2012

Why Mitt's donors don't get it.

I had to laugh my head off when reading some of the anonymous comments from Mitts uber-rich donors in this LA Times story:

  • "I don't think the common person is getting it."
  • "I just think if you're lower income -- one, you're not as educated, two, they don't understand how it works."
  • Romney needs to "up his game and be more reactive." 
Allow me to retort.
  • We are not common people; we are uncommon people who work hard to earn money.  Stop stealing our money and parking it offshore.
  • Those who are liberal, are highly educated -- see chart below from Pew Research,  2005.
  • I think this highly educated, anonymous donor meant to say that Romney needs to be more proactive. But hey, what do I know, I'm just a bumbling simpleton.

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