Sunday, July 8, 2012

Why Mitt's offshore accounts matter.

No one would care where Mitt stored his money - under a mattress, in a bunch of credit unions or in a dozen offshore accounts - if Mitt hadn't been running for the chance to lead the country.  Once you pass that rubicon however, you're telling people to do as you do, to act as you act.

And if everyone did as Mitt has done, what sort of nation do we have if everyone got to hedge against their own nation (contribute to its downfall for the sake of personal gain), even as they ask to participate in its governance?  George Soros could never run for office, as a major hedge fund player.  Neither could John Paulson or hundreds of other hedge fund managers.

Yes, it is a political Catch-22 for Mitt, because disclosing would shed unwanted light onto the shadows of global investment, but not disclosing his investments implies that he has something major to hide.  Too bad.  If you run for office to lead the nation, you have to let out your skeletons -- people have the right to know who you are and what your intentions are for this nation.  And being President isn't going to be any easier.

I don't detest Mitt; he seems like a genuinely great father and family man; I just don't think he's the kind of person we'd want to lead the nation.

He's invested in companies that offshored jobs to China, only to now criticize Obama for not being tougher on China's trade practices.  He openly stated as a governor that he loved mandates, but now calls them socialist.  He speaks about lowering taxes to boost investment, but he's parked his extra income from lowered taxes, offshore.  He criticized Obama for bailing out the auto industry before he congratulated Obama for following his lead in bailing out the auto industry.  He speaks about lowering costs for businesses, but criticizes the Fed for keeping rates low.  It goes on and on.

Mitt's just not the kind of person I want leading this nation.

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