Sunday, July 15, 2012

Republicans: Why doesn't Mitt come clean?

"Mitt Romney knows that he can't run on his record. He doesn't have a Massachusetts record that he wants to run on because it wasn't anything great there. Now Bain's a problem, so he doesn't want to run on his record.
So there's obviously something [in his tax records] that compromises what he said in the past about something."  -- Matthew Dowd on This Week
"He must have calculated that there are higher costs in releasing [his tax records]." -- George Will on This Week
"I was asked today that question — do you think that Governor Romney should release his tax returns? And I said I do. I said, I release my tax returns." -- Governor Robert Bentley (R - Alabama) to ABC News

Even Bobby Jindal won't take questions on Mitt's offshore accounts or tax records, although that's probably because he really wants the Veep job.

And the thing is, Mitt's already released 23 years of tax records to McCain's team when he was being considered for the Veep job in 2008.  So of course, everyone is waiting to hear the old McCain team and John McCain himself speak on the matter.

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