Monday, July 16, 2012

McCain's due diligence on Mitt is posted on Daily Caller.

Okay, this is kinda weird.  Daily Caller is a conservative propaganda media outlet, but it is hosting McCain's due diligence file on Mitt Romney, aka the opposition file, warts and all.  If you're from Boston then you've probably heard it all and then some.  But for the average American, maybe not so much.

I don't think it damages Mitt's image in the minds of most voters except ironically, for one group: Conservatives.

The file shows, among many things, all of the flip-flops that Mitt has done over the years, including global warming, abortion, and just about anything that might drive a conservative nuts.  It also shows that a Bain Italian subsidiary did work for Iran.

I think that last point needs to be reiterated...a Bain subsidiary did work for Iran.

Of course Mitt will tell you that it was an Italian subsidiary whose local laws did not prohibit working with Iran, and that he had no control over what the subsidiary in Italy did.  But I find it implausible that he couldn't have picked up the phone and told them to stop, and upon having the big guy telling them to stop, that they wouldn't have stopped.

I already know that Republican politicians will be telling us that it was perfectly "legal" what Bain and Mitt did, in order to alleviate the cognitive dissonance.  But for conservative voters, along with the long list of flip-flops, I think this due diligence turns them off quite a bit.

I can see now why Mitt won't release his tax records -- there are just too many entanglements of investments that will equally turn off conservatives and liberals alike.

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