Monday, May 6, 2013

When think tanks go bad.

I don't feel sorry for The Heritage Foundation.  After all, they're the ones who provided the fantasy tales of economic boom with 2.8% unemployment (historically never accomplished), if only the US embraced austerity -- incorporated into Paul Ryan's first budget and touted as proof of Ryan's seriousness.

Now, they've come out with a crazy study saying that immigration reform will cost the US $6.3T.   As Jim DeMint (current president of The Heritage Foundation) said in his own write-up in WaPo:
"Given the U.S. debt of $17 trillion, the fiscal effects detailed in our study should be at the forefront of legislators’ minds as they consider immigration reform."
Yeah, if only it were true.  They want you to believe that 11 million immigrants would equal a $6.3T burden. Imagine how much 311 million Americans would burden the US government!  Wait, I can help you figure that one out.

$6.3T / 11M = $573K

$573K * 311M = $178T

Oh man, forget our $16.7T debt, we'll never get out from under our $178T debt!!!

You should be laughing right about now.  Conservatives all over the place immediately trashed The Heritage Foundation's study.  Democrats didn't bother offering up criticism.

Of course you know why some Republicans are upset.  This public fight alone is costing them points with minorities and especially Latinos.

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