Tuesday, May 21, 2013

French conservative protests gay marriage law in France through suicide; reveals conflicted dogma.

Ultra-conservative French historian-activist-writer, Dominique Venner, shot himself dead in a house of God -- the Notre Dame Cathedral -- to protest the recently-signed gay marriage law in France.  In one of his last blog entries, he seemed to lament the anti-violent protests of the French Spring (anti-gay marriage movement):
"Les manifestants souvent très jeunes ne sont pas homogènes. Pour une part ce sont des bourgeois catho non-violents, issus des JMJ, séduits par le nouveau discours tolérant de l’Église en matière d’amour conjugal."
 "Protesters often very young are not homogeneous. In part they are non-violent Catholic bourgeois from JMJ*, seduced by the new tolerant discourse of the Church in terms of conjugal love." -- Google Translate
His contempt for non-violence was palpable, then to commit suicide in the House of God, should only be seen as flaunting the Commandment, "Thou Shall not Kill."  I know, I know, there are shades of views on suicide and God, but he was an ultra-conservative who read the Bible literally not figuratively.

I'm not sure how committing suicide in front of church-attending people, somehow moved anyon to his side.  But the imitation is clear: He was trying to be the linchpin of the French Spring, as Mohamed Bouazizi in Tunisia was for the Arab Spring.  Except of course, Mohamed Bouazizi was protesting the real oppression by Tunisian police and the government, whereas Dominique Venner was upset that other people he found detestable gained new freedoms.

The first reaction from Marine Le Pen, a leading conservative French politician, was to honor his actions:
"Tout notre respect à Dominique Venner dont le dernier geste, éminemment politique, aura été de tenter de réveiller le peuple de France." 
"All our respect to Dominique Venner, whose last gesture, highly political, will be to attempt to awake the people of France." -- sorry, I didn't like Google Translate's version
Followed by Le Pen trying to walk back her comment by talking up the importance of life:
"Il n'en demeure pas moins que c'est dans la vie et l'espérance que la France se redressera et se sauvera." 
"The fact remains that it is in life and hope that France will recover and save." -- Google Translate
How very conflicted these people seem to be with their hypocritical dogma.

* -- JMJ = Jesus Mary Joseph, a slam on parochial school teaching of love and peace.

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