Friday, May 10, 2013

Interesting speculation over Google I|O 2013.

Sometimes the best speculation comes not from the US, but from overseas.

Bangkok Post speculates that there will be a Nexus 7.7, a Nexus 11, and Android 4.3.  They say that a base Nexus 11 would cost $400, and if so, I would definitely grab one to draw on.

C|NET thinks that signs of a depleted stock of Nexus 4 phones leads to a Nexus 5 or the X-Phone.

Engadget also thinks that the X-Phone will be revealed, after showing up today at the FCC.

Techradar says that the retired Babel chat service will become a unified chat within Google+ Hangouts.

Droid Life points to a return of the Q, a new Gmail, a Chrome dongle, a gaming center device, and of course more information on Glass.

All good stuff, but I'm sure there's something out there that no one has caught wind of, yet.  After all, the keynote is 3 hours long!  Of course to keep up with everything going on at Google I|O, there's Google's official Android app.

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