Monday, May 20, 2013

Impressed: Yahoo steps up big time and boosts Flickr.

Flickr on Android phone
This is just amazing: Forget the quibbling over gigabytes of online storage, Yahoo just boosted Flickr's free storage limit to ONE TERABYTE!  That's huge, and a major game-changer when it comes to online backup storage. Most of us will not reach that 1TB limit for years or the next decade.  I know Google (Picasa / Google+ images) won't take this sitting down, but wow, this really changes things.

Also: They updated their image layout, such that it now looks a lot like Pinterest.

More: Curiously, the Android app does not support tablets.  You'd think an image app would support tablets.  On phones though, it's gorgeous.

Post-thoughts: Along with today's announcement that Yahoo was buying out Tumblr, Marissa Mayer is really pushing hard to get Yahoo back into the view of consumers.

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