Saturday, May 11, 2013

Cooler East = No Climate Change?

I had to laugh one day, when the 700 Club spilled over in the background, after the morning news had ended.  Pat Robertson went on his usual sarcasm about how he was in disbelief that, under global warming, we could be seeing record snow in Spring.  As it turns out this past week, a poll showed that fewer people this year believed in global warming, than last Fall (the drop was from 70% to 63%).

No.  A cooler Spring in the East is not evidence that global warming does not exist.  I can't imagine how people can not figure this out.  Averaging out temperatures from around the WORLD, we know that the Earth is generally warming up.  And besides, what are they going to say this Summer, if when records are broken?

Some things worth noting:
  • Six of the hottest days in Oklahoma City, since 1891, have occurred in 2011 and 2012.
  • In Phoenix, the average 110°+ days per year from 1896 to 1980 is 8; from 1981 to 2010, that number is 19.
There is a lot more, but meh, no alarming data will prevent some idiot from pointing out that Antarctica remains frozen despite global warming and that the East had a cold Spring.  To the climate change denier, the only thing that would change their mind, is an apocalyptic event that destroys a large part of the Earth.  And even then, they might still point to climate variability.

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