Monday, September 10, 2012

There they go again: KGW perpetuating a myth about Mitt's chances.

Good grief!

KGW tonight repeated the myth -- the unsubstantiated speculation -- that Mitt's chances are strong enough to draw Paul Ryan here for a campaign fundraiser visit. [eyes rolling]

Let me explain something that KGW seems disinterested in confronting.  Neither Team Mitt nor national GOP, nor any conservative PACs think Oregon is competitive; if this were true, then Team Mitt would actually speak in public, rather than attend private fundraisers, and we'd be seeing national ads.

Maybe KGW is self-interested in drawing national political ad spending, by spinning fallacies?

The fact is, Team Mitt only comes to Oregon to take money out of state to spend in competitive states.


If you watch KATU tonight, they specifically asked the director of Portland State's Mark O. Hatfield School of Government, Ronald Tammen, about WHY Paul Ryan came to Portland. He flat out said that there was NO CHANCE that Romney would beat Obama in California, Oregon and Washington; therefore his only reason for visiting was to raise cash for the campaign.

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