Monday, September 10, 2012

CNN's newest polling data: No enthusiasm behind Mitt.

A new CNN poll shows Obama up by 6 points, matching the same momentum registered by Gallup and Rasmussen.  Dig down, and things get interesting.

Nearly 3/4 of likely voters who said they'd vote for Obama, are doing so because they specifically want to vote for Obama, as opposed to voting against Mitt Romney.

Turn the tables and people who said they'd vote for Romney are very different; they're nearly evenly split 48% - 47% between a vote for Romney as opposed to a vote against Obama.  If that wasn't enough, those numbers match Mitt's likability ratings, severely trailing Obama's 57% - 42%.

Dig down further on major campaign issues: federal debt, taxes, energy policy, unemployment, health care and education, Romney leads Obama in just one category (federal debt).

Team Mitt is going down in flames.  American Crossroads and Americans for Prosperity have bailed out of Pennsylvania and Michigan, and Massachusetts isn't even competitive.  What does it mean if you can't even win your HOMETOWN states?

Democrats can see the end in sight, but it requires a massive get-the-vote-out drives to counter the constitutionally-questionable disenfranchisement of voters by way of odd laws disfavoring the poor and elderly.

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