Sunday, September 2, 2012

Infighting: Gingrich battles Fiorina on Meet the Press.

It was a parting shot that made me laugh, delivered at the end of Meet the Press as things were heating up (before David Gregory had to cut it off).  Carly Fiorina pushed back against Newt Gingrich, telling him that women are more than simply about abortion, as if to tell him to shut up and drop the issue.  The context?  How are Republicans going to reduce the massive Democratic advantage with women.

Gingrich is just out and out nuts; Fiorina is the type of Republican you'd want, who is deliberate in her choice of words and positions, than Gingrich (take me to the Moon and leave me there).  As Gregory noted, Gingrich is the only GOP politician to defend Todd Akin and his reference to "legitimate rape".

This points to the ongoing war against moderate Republicans from within the party.  You can be like Mitt Romney and run to the right, or you can be like Senators Lindsey Graham, Olympia Snowe and call it quits.  The GOP is self-imploding.

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