Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sitting outside of Starbucks, working.

It's a curious thing.  I dropped in at the Starbucks opposite Powell's Books, but unfortunately no tables were available inside, so I took my laptop to an outside table and set up shop to do some design.  Enjoying my iced coffee, oatmeal cookie and with my wireless headphones on, it was the perfect set up -- and one that I try to do whenever I feel like I need a change of pace.

Sure, I know lots of people love to look at what I'm drawing, since I design in 3D, and once in a while someone will come up and start talking to me.  That's what happened today.

This fella -- Rex -- started talking to me, telling me that he does graphic design and gave me his business card.  If you're a graphic designer and one who does Wordpress sites, shouldn't you have your website address on it?  After all, he did say that he had just created his own website, as if a proud designer.

I had to ask him what his website address was.

Since I was on my computer, I decided to check it out.  I was disappointed, but it was not unexpected.  I'm not going to call his website out, but suffice to say, it was poorly laid out and terrible dull, much like his business card.  Obviously in this world there are all levels of talent, from the extremely talented to the truly untalented.

Rex was in the latter category.

He straight out acknowledged that he wasn't very creative.  I thought it odd that someone who isn't very creative, has spent quite a bit of time attempting to establish himself in a creative industry.


I wished him good luck as he left.

1 comment:

Robert Mahan said...

Maybe that "Rex" guy must have wanted to hire you as his website developer. You should have asked for a great deal at that very moment. LOL! Anyway, I'm happy to know that you find comfort in Starbucks. Hence, designing 3D stuff would be much easier and sweeter. :)