Wednesday, September 12, 2012

And here comes the talking points memo to cover Mitt's gaffe.

A Republican insider has leaked a talking points memo from the Romney campaign, over the self-induced controversy concerning Mitt's criticism over the Libyan and Egyptian US Embassy protests and attacks.

Here's the portion on Q/A for Romney allies and surrogates:

Questions & Answers:
  • Don’t you think it was appropriate for the embassy to condemn the controversial movie in question? Are you standing up for movies like this?
    • Governor Romney rejects the reported message of the movie. There is no room for religious hatred or intolerance.
    • But we will not apologize for our constitutional right to freedom of speech.
    • Storming U.S. missions and committing acts of violence is never acceptable, no matter the reason. Any response that does not immediately and decisively make that clear conveys weakness.
  • If pressed: Governor Romney repudiated this individual in 2010 when he attempted to mobilize a Quran-burning movement. He is firmly against any expression of religious hatred or intolerance.
  • Reports indicate the embassy in Cairo released its initial statement before the invasion of the embassy commenced. Doesn’t this show they were trying to tamp down the protest and prevent what ultimately happened, not sympathize with the protesters?
    • The Administration was wrong to stand by a statement sympathizing with those who had breached our embassy in Egypt instead of condemning their actions.
    • Distancing themselves from the statement and saying it wasn't ‘cleared by Washington’ reflects the mixed signals they are sending to the world.
    • American leadership needs to be decisive and resolute when our interests are threatened or attacked. For the last four years, this has been lacking.
    • We have seen a foreign policy of weakness, indecision, and a decline in American influence and respect – and yesterday we saw the consequences.
  • If pressed: The Obama campaign is now attacking Governor Romney for being critical of the same statement the Administration itself disavowed. This is hypocritical.
  • Did Governor Romney “jump the gun” last night in releasing his statement?
    • No. It is never too soon to stand up for American values and interests.
Shut up already; this man does not know how to gracefully apologize or show contrition for sticking his foot in his mouth!

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