Monday, September 10, 2012

Oh, THAT bounce.

Some pundits had thought that Mitt's lack of a bounce, was due to the polarization of politics which pushed people to choose a side early on.  The other possibility was, that people remained unconvinced (or dare I say, thoroughly confused) by the case put forward by Mitt's team.

And then reality hit this weekend: Barack Obama got simultaneous +5 point leads from Rasmussen and Gallup tracking polls.  For Rasmussen, that's now a 9 point swing from Mitt's high, following the RNC.

Ann's upset.  So is Mitt's pollster; mind you, that it would be difficult for conservatives to criticize Rasmussen, a self-admitted conservative.

It thus seems fair to conclude (SHOCK!) that people found Barack Obama more appealing after reviewing both speeches and conventions.

But of course, John Boehner previously insisted that it was okay to vote for Mitt even if you didn't like him.

I'm not sure if the public will stand for another Etch-A-Sketch moment delivered just yesterday (in a span of 12 hours involving multiple positions) over the issue of preexisting conditions.

Finally, I leave you with this humorous, though completely unscientific internet poll on The Economist's website.  Enjoy.

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