Friday, July 29, 2011

Boehner shifts the goal posts once again.

Earlier this week, Boehner shifted the goal posts.  Throwing away his plans for matching dollar cuts for debt ceiling increases with no tax revenues, he added some modest spending (Pell Grants), a two-tier debt ceiling and a requirement to vote on a balanced budget amendment. 

Now he's changed it again.

This time, he's required the balanced budget amendment to pass Congress before that second tier is voted on.  Or in other words, we're DEFINITELY going to face a repeat of the ransom-hostage situation we're facing right now, and in the dead of Winter.

It looks like Boehner, true to what I've posted some time ago, is not actually intent on raising the debt ceiling.  He's more intent on winning a political victory to slough off blame by saying, "we passed OUR bill, if you don't agree, it's your fault for the default."

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