Monday, June 18, 2012

Why Android wins, and why Nokia loses.

I've mentioned this before: Nokia made a terribly short-sighted error by embracing Elop's ego and his preference for his former colleagues at Microsoft.  He famously critiqued Android as a bunch of tiles, even though Microsoft's own WP software is based on live tiles, and even though Android utilizes customized widgets.

Amazon adopted and completely changed the UI of Android to create the Kindle Fire tablet.  So did Barnes and Noble with the Nook Color and Tablet.

More recently Sharp introduced the Evangelion phone, the SH-06D.

I challenge anyone to consider the Evangelion phone as just a bunch of tiles, or boring.  Apparently Sharp's got the game figured out.  They've just announced they're working with ID firm Frog, to produce a new UI for Android.

With Android, you have a growing army of developers working on the largest platform in the world -- one which does not require using monetary enticements.

You can bring your own UI and skin layered on top of Android.  But somehow, Elop's ego got in the way of realizing that he could have taken Android and reskinned it to make it an entirely Nokia thing.  

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