Friday, June 15, 2012

The media as an echo chamber.

The rationale for why Indymedia was created, was that you can't trust the mass media.  That is not to say that what is reported in Indymedia isn't often biased, but the reality is that the mass media frequently, simply broadcasts whatever any pundit or politician wants to say, without validating what is said.  Worse, many willingly acquiesce to being herded and controlled by a politician's PR reps.

It's an abdication of journalism's responsibility to society, especially in America where the US Constitution expressly provides for the freedom of the press.

Here's some proof.  (Ironically, via Bloomberg.)

In the above cited study, news stories between 1984 and 2011 were analyzed for content citing "job killer". The authors noted:
"In 91.6% of the stories alleging that a government policy was or would be a “job killer,” the media failed to cite any evidence for this claim or to quote an authoritative source with any evidence for this claim. With little or no fact checking of “job killer” allegations, Americans have no way to know if there is any evidence for these claims."
"The majority of the sources of stories using the phrase “job killer” were business spokepersons and Republican Party officials."
Of course, as I've mentioned before, according to Republicans, government spending in the defense industry creates jobs, but elsewhere, government spending is a jobs killer.  No one in the media bothers to note the contradictions.

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