Saturday, June 9, 2012

Browser usage - weekend vs weekday.

Rummaging through some of StatCounter's graphs, I recalled that just over a month ago they had reported that Google's Chrome browser had overtaken Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser for a weekend.  At the time I had thought nothing of it, since I never look at data at the granular level.  But it was just recently noted that Chrome overtook IE for the month of May -- something that was expected to occur, considering the long-term trend.  I wanted to explore the data, and when I looked at the single-month data on a daily basis, it was just fascinating.

Chrome usage always jumps on the weekends, while IE8 drops dramatically and IE9 increases slightly.  Though too small to really see it, the iPad native browser also shows a small bump over the weekend.  There is no discernible difference between weekend and weekday usage of Firefox.

So you know what this means, right?  Most businesses use IE8 but most people at home are on IE9; a good chunk of those folks who use IE at work, use Chrome at home; and the iPad has not yet made a meaningful dent in business usage.

Oh yeah, and Chrome is officially king.

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