Sunday, June 10, 2012

Wanna see some super high-res images of ants?

Via the BBC, a team of scientists from the California Academy of Sciences is going around the world, photographing images in high-resolution, ants stored away in the vaults of museums.  It's being called 3D, but it's not really 3D.

It's called AntWeb, and it's really interesting to look at the various types of ants from around the world.

I can tell right now, some of you are already scratching your legs, just thinking about these crawling insects, making tracks up the sides of your body, looking for something to eat and take back home.

Others right now are thinking of new Kamen Rider characters.

Leptogenys falcigera
Paratrechina longicornis
Aenictogiton indet
Tatuidris ec01

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