Monday, June 4, 2012

On why I chose Twitter over Facebook.

A follow up: In order to use Pinterest, you must either choose to register via Twitter or Facebook.  Well it turns out that yesterday I was compiling this for a post about transparency when it comes to the government accessing your data.  Talk about serendipity.

Via the EFF, a look at how companies treat government requests for user data.  I think it's worth noting that most companies won't even bother telling you about whether or not they received requests from the government to access your data.  Microsoft and Apple fight for privacy rights in Congress, but that's about all they do, unlike Google, which does much more.  Look at the difference a year made, for Dropbox.

Therein lies the difference between why I chose Twitter over Facebook: Twitter works harder to be transparent and to work to defend your data privacy rights.

Choose wisely and we can all help influence the companies listed below.

2011 EFF survey results

2012 EFF survey results

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