Sunday, June 17, 2012

Even Republicans admit that they can't do anything on immigration.

On the Sunday news show circuit, John McCain and Tim Pawlenty both said that Democrats failed to pass comprehensive immigration reform, during the first two years where they had majorities in both houses.

Read between the lines.

That is a blatant admission that federal government with a majority Republican Congress and a Republican in the White House, would have NEVER passed immigration reform.

Amusing, don't you think?

Republican politicians are attacking Democrats for failing to do something that they couldn't or wouldn't ever do.  And history proves this point out.  What did Republicans do when they had majorities in Congress and a Republican in the White House?  They put billions of dollars into a steel curtain at the border, then sent the National Guard to patrol it.

Latino voters aren't that easily fooled by the false rhetoric, I think.

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