Friday, June 1, 2012

Thea Render for SketchUp.

I'm still stuck on Kerkythea - the free renderer by the same folks who make the Thea Render program.  Eventually I'll move to the Thea Render platform, and this might push me to do it.  I just got a Thea Render newsletter in my email inbox this morning, and in it was an announcement that they're currently working on an integrated renderer for SketchUp.  Pretty exciting stuff!  Why I remember it was a decade ago and the only worthy rendering programs cost you well over a thousand dollars.

Anyway, just watch (skim) the video below, and just imagine the things you  can do with an integrated Thea Render and dual screens.  Skip over to 9:05 and watch the color change of the vehicle, changing of the depth of field and atmospherics.

It's still in development, so it'll be some time before it's ready.  No word on a standalone price or time line, but hopefully the Euro will be on parity with the USD at the time it is released, so that I can afford to get it immediately.

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