Sunday, June 3, 2012

On Pinterest.

It took only a day between my request for an invite, and an invite.  I have no idea how they go about doling out invites, but I'm quite happy that I didn't have to wait for more than a day.

I've already got my first board up and running.

Why did I sign up for Pinterest?  It came upon me the other day, this is faster and easier to create an online "", without having to write a lot of text -- no one reads beyond 144 characters anyway.  It's also part of a plan to set up boards for in-process design of projects, once Pinterest allows for private boards, that is.

I guess this means I have to redo my ID cards now.

Um, speaking of 144 characters...I'm also on Twitter, though not because I wanted to -- in order to sign up for Pinterest, you need either a Facebook or Twitter account (more to follow on why I chose Twitter in a future post).

Love Pinterest.

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