Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Republicans: We're making sure Congress does no work.

The WSJ reports that Republicans in Congress have decided that it's worth their while to stall on nearly all bills for the rest of this year.
"Republicans in Congress, buoyed by optimism about Mitt Romney's chance of winning the White House, are finding new incentives to put off striking deals on major legislative issues."
Great.  It's a lame lame duck Congress.  Last year was spent on battling two repeated debt ceiling deadlines, this year they're not going to do anything but twiddle their thumbs waiting to see if they can win the White House.  House Representatives are elected every two years -- I guess this means they're only working half the time, but for full pay.

To tie this all together, last month Mitt issued instructions to an elected body, not to move forward on budget bills until after he's in office.

Halperin: Election comes in November, you win. Would you like to see the incumbent President and Congress deal with these issues during the lame-duck session?
Romney: Of course not.
Halperin: You’d like them to defer to you?
Romney: Absolutely. 
Plutocracy in action!

And we see another instance of Republican hypocrisy.  Uncertainty is a serious problem that Democrats have fostered, but it's nothing to be concerned about when Republicans are sitting around for 8 months to deal with deadlines due in 7.

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