Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Healthcare ruling -- a split decision?

Maybe it's just me, but it feels like the SCOTUS' ruling on SB1070, was an attempt to avoid the Roberts court being seen as a purely conservative activist one?

The delay would seem to indicate extended back room negotiations and writings that attempt to weave a tortured interpretation of the healthcare law, under the US Constitution.

Along with the delay on its issuance, it seems that all signs point to a mixed ruling where the law is upheld, except for the individual mandate requiring most people to buy healthcare coverage.  That despite efforts on both sides to tie the individual mandate with the totality of the healthcare law.

Interestingly, Mitt says that if the healthcare law is tossed, then Obama's presidency was a waste of time.  

Talk about tortured logic, trying to tie an entire presidency on a single issue.  Hey, let's forget sending in Seal Team 6 to get Bin Laden, let's forget the attempt to save GM and Chrysler as well as the US banking system and the prevention of the Great Depression 2.0, and let's forget the mini-START agreement with Russia to reduce nuclear arms.  Nope, all that pales in comparison to healthcare reform, according to Mitt. [eyes rolling]

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