Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Voting machine won't let voter choose Obama.

This is starting to spread on the interwebs as word gets out.  I'm not entirely sure of the veracity of the account, but you can read about it, here.  What gives me pause, is that the person who recorded on video his attempts to vote, says that he is a software engineer; could he have pulled off this stunt at a voting machine, to highlight its vulnerabilities?

If this is fully vetted, then you have to start to worry about other machines that may have been hijacked, such that votes were changed without any visible evidence.  Put in a randomizing algorithm to change votes, and this sort of vote fraud would be difficult to detect.  Scary stuff, people.

Quick update: I posted too soon! Apparently there is the opposite problem in Colorado, where some voters have complained that machines won't let them pick Romney!

There seems to be two issues: First is that the people setting up the machines are not trained properly to handle them; second is that Diebold and other manufacturers of these digital poll machines, haven't properly designed them to be foolproof and safe.

I'm sure Diebold and others are going to get an earful from Congress and the FBI.

I suggested it years ago: Adopt Oregon's system of mail-in ballots.

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