Sunday, November 4, 2012

Apple defiantly tells UK courts: SOSUMI.

Friends, I don't know what to tell you.  Last week, UK judges (and probably most judges around the world) were not amused by Apple's attempts to obfuscate a prior ruling that determined that Samsung did not copy Apple.  They were ordered to issue a notice of correction and to revise the statement they had posted and had printed in newspapers.

On first glance, it appeared that they had complied, and everything was behind us.

On second glance, people began to notice that Apple had sneakily inserted javascript that would maximize the iPad Mini's image, among other things, in order to hide the revised statement and the notice of correction, unless one had scrolled down.

But when I decided to inspect the code it was clear that the media obviously hadn't bothered to look directly at it.  You see, Apple has tempted fate and inserted this comment line into their HTML code on their UK landing page:

Yes, "sosumi" means exactly what it phonetically sounds like: So Sue Me.  You can read about the history of it, here.

That sure seems like a blatant disrespect and contempt for judges and the court of law, don't you think?  It's as if they were sticking their middle finger at the judge, on their way out of the court room -- that sort of behavior will stick to Apple's reputation.

Don't be surprised to hear more about this from the mainstream media, as people catch onto this story.

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