Monday, November 12, 2012

Stupid woman runs over husband over politics.

Holly Solomon, an idiot in Gilbert Arizona, ran over her husband because he did not vote.  She was angry that Obama had won reelection and thus, Obamacare would continue to go forward, costing her family more money.

She decided to scare him by chasing him with her SUV -- her own words.  She's not your ordinary nuts; she's a dangerous nut.  There sure seems to be a lot of dangerous nuts in Arizona.

So let's break down just how pathetic she is, shall we?
  • Obama lost in Arizona, making her husband's vote irrelevant;
  • Arizona wasn't part of any Obama campaign to win, making Arizona's outcome irrelevant;
  • She owns an SUV, which, considering the cost differential of filling up an SUV and the extra profit that auto manufacturers gain from SUV sales with higher prices, she's more concerned with her ride than her family's health;
  • She ran over her husband, which, assuming she does not already have health care insurance, will cost her hundreds of thousands of dollars more than if they were both covered by ACA;
  • The cost of ACA to her family, is monumentally lower than the cost of losing her job and going to jail.

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