Saturday, October 15, 2011

US Spotify broken. Time to quit?

They surreptitiously downloaded some update to the software that is supposed to require me to opt in to the new changes of ad-supported, free subscription that limits monthly listening to 10 hours...


I can't get Spotify to work at all, because it won't let me proceed without crashing.  So I guess this is it.  It was nice while it lasted, but I guess it's time to move on.

Good news though...there are many other services to try: Grooveshark, MOG and Rdio.  Grooveshark is pretty good, by the way, because it has a lot of foreign and otherwise ethnic music that Spotify simply doesn't have (I've been playing around with Grooveshark for a bit, ever since I heard this change to terms of service was coming).

Oh, and now that I have a new Android phone that I can install Google Music on, I'm finding this quite useful for streaming music I've uploaded from my collection.  If only they'd strike deals with major labels to allow for accessing music you don't already own.

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