Sunday, October 9, 2011

Occupy Portland Marathon

It was the Portland Marathon.  It was Occupy Portland.  It was the Occupy Portland Marathon!

Sitting outside, after playing with the dog on a severely overcast and cool Fall afternoon, on what was supposed to be a lazy Sunday, turned out to be an interesting scene.

The first sign was the ruckus I could hear and see, a quarter mile away on the Broadway Bridge.  The second sign was the helicopter overhead - the local media - going around in circles.  The third sign was...a small cardboard sign with small writing on it, carried by a woman with a camera in tow.

Apparently the Occupy Portland crew made a pact with police and Portland Marathon officials to allow them to take over a portion of the marathon route.  In short order walking home, I could see the marchers coming around the corner of the Broadway Bridge.  Assuredly, the message is unfocused, but there is a lot of anger out there, and this being a liberal town, the crowd of protesters numbered somewhere between 1500 and 2000.

Fight the power!

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