Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Paul Ryan -- evil doublespeak or profound idiot?

Watch the video.

Did you hear it? He says that President Obama has committed the US down the same path as that of European nations: painful austerity.


It was no mere slip of the tongue -- he was reading from a prepared speech, and misappropriates the anger in Greece as the result of kicking the can down the road.

The Republican Party has just changed its message, and now stands for the unpainful austerity -- the one where unicorns and rainbows, leprechauns and mermaids exist -- where government spending cuts produce budget surpluses.  As opposed to the painful austerity -- the real world we're seeing in Europe -- where government cuts spending, discovers that fewer people are now employed (resulting in even fewer people spending money, lowering demand), further reducing government receipts, leading to more cuts in government spending.

I'm just dumbfounded on this one: I can't decide if Republicans are purely evil in their doublespeak, in an attempt to fool the common American, or just plain stupid.  Maybe a combination of doublespeak idiocy?

It really sickens me that these Republicans could be so profoundly stupid or blatantly, politically driven as to commit evil acts against their own, fellow man, for the sake of power.

Paul Ryan is the spokesperson for the 1%, as I have pointed out before.

sources: Media Matters, Paul Krugman blog

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