Thursday, October 27, 2011

Cavalia sets up in Portland Oregon.

I'd been watching over the last week as someone began clearing out the empty grounds in the Pearl District, (whence once stood a bunch of rail lines, but had since been pulled out and used as a dirt dumping ground to aerate polluted soils).

Then one night I saw towering pole structures set up and bright nighttime construction lights up, and wondered, what sort of circus was coming to town?  Walking up close, they had a truck with their name on its side -- Cavalia.

A few days later, they popped up the tent fabric and placed a giant, lit sign.

What's Cavalia?  A combination of Cirque du Soleil and trick horse work.  You can watch more of their videos on their official YouTube channel.

The show goes from Nov. 11 through Dec. 4.  And all I'd need to do is walk 8 blocks down.  But the costs are bit steep -- see below.  In addition to those prices, you have to pay $11.50 for service charges if you order via phone or the internet, or $4.50 if you purchase via the box office (not yet set up).  If you buy online or via phone, you then have to pay for $7.00 shipping fees.

I haven't yet made up my mind about it, knowing that a show like this doesn't come often.

Note that the cheapest seats are obscured (the green level), so the choice really is paying $54.50 for the yellow section.  Here's the sample seating chart they have on their website.

JUNIORS (13 - 17)
(2 - 12)
Tues-Thurs Fri-Sun
Tues-Thurs Fri-Sun
RENDEZ-VOUS VIP $179.50 $189.50
$129.50 $139.50
$129.50 $139.50
$89.50 $99.50
ORANGE $ 89.50 $ 99.50
$ 79.50
$ 59.50 $ 69.50
BLUE $ 79.50 $ 89.50
$ 69.50
$ 49.50 $ 59.50
YELLOW $ 54.50 $ 64.50
$ 49.50
$ 34.50 $ 44.50
GREEN* $ 34.50 $ 44.50 $ 29.50 $ 24.50 $ 34.50

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