Thursday, October 20, 2011

Herman Cain's new plan: "Me-Me-Me"

TPC did an analysis, Jared Bernstein covers the graph (below) that shows that Herman Cain's "9-9-9" plan is really a "Me-Me-Me" plan.  If passed, Herman Cain would be getting a big tax return (somewhere over half a million dollars) while most people would end up paying more.

No wonder Cain's pushing his "9-9-9" plan...fool a majority of people, get a cool half-million back, every year.

Oh hey, most seniors are in the lowest two quintiles (lowest 40%), with the median income for men over 65 at $26K and women at $15K.  If you're a senior citizen, under the "9-9-9" plan, you'd be paying MORE TAXES!

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