Saturday, October 1, 2011

Google Flights search...this is what others were afraid of.

Have you tried searching for flights on Google?  It is going to make travel agents and all other sites (except discounters) obsolete, with one notable exception: it's limited to US domestic flights only, no travel to outside the US.

It's so good, there is no easier method for finding the cheapest fare at any point, six months in the future.  It's very intuitive to use, making you the best travel agent out there.

Place your mouse over the right-side chart, and it'll show you, based upon the time of length selected, the price, depending upon the date, during the next six months.  As you move your mouse up or down, you'll see it shaded in the calendar, indicating the days of the trip.  Just a brief glance at it, and you can easily see the times of the month and season, when it's cheapest and most expensive to travel.  How cool is that?

If you find a flight you like, when you select it, it'll automatically send you to that airline's website with the dates and options selected, ready to pay for, online.  That's hard to beat.

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