Thursday, June 13, 2013

The changing face of Snowden.

I'm going to say it: Snowden just doesn't know when to shut up.  By talking to the South China Morning Post about US military hacking, he's now aided a foreign country in ways that his leaking of domestic spying didn't involve.  In other words, he's made himself open to charges of Treason and sown the seeds of his doom as a result.

He liberated the hidden truth about domestic spying, but it's one thing to find out our government has been lying to us, and another thing altogether to learn that our government has been fighting foreign countries who'd be more than happy if we were subsumed.  He's given others leverage against the US and its closest allies.

He's about to lose his biggest allies in political circles, and the conversation may shift away from domestic spying and the 4th Amendment, to a treasonous American who placed our deepest secrets in jeopardy.

How sad.

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