Thursday, June 13, 2013

Blogger app for Android

Long story short, I searched and found a Blogger app for Android, since I thought I'd try to do more on my tablet.

First attempt to post didn't work however.  It must have to do with trying to upload a large photo from my tablet.  It crashed the app as soon as I tried to upload that first post from my tablet. It saved the post as a draft, but kept crashing each time I tried to upload.  It wouldn't show up as a draft on my desktop either, so it's not auto saving like the web browser version does.

I read earlier that the app was updated to support tablets, so this was probably serendipity.

Or bad luck... if this never uploads.

Okay, so I got it to update on the second try, but then it lost all my labels and it decided to use its own formatting and not my blank spaces.  Seems like some big bugs.

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