Tuesday, June 25, 2013

10 minutes of Under the Dome was enough for me.

CBS' latest show, Under the Dome in a word: Lame.

Firstly, I like Denny's, but the coffee and food are better at any local cafe in Portland, and a lot of other towns.  And breakfast at Ikea is cheaper.  ;)

Secondly, the scene where a cow gets sliced in half by the dome, is ridiculous; further down in the parting shot you see the barn that has also been sliced, but reveals a ragged foot-wide gap.  So silly.  Physics doesn't work that way, but then again, they treated the cow differently than the barn, which implied that they forced the physics in the computer rendering and animation.

Thirdly, Simpsons did it.  Nuff said.

The Simpsons Movie is superior in all respects.

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