Thursday, June 6, 2013

No surprise: Verizon willingly cooperates to co-opt your privacy.

It's a very disturbing and shocking story, but in some respects, no one should be surprised to know that Verizon quietly and simply handed the government call records on all of its customers.

For three years the Electronic Frontier Foundation has looked at how well various tech companies protect your data and privacy.  The only company not to score a single star during all three years?  You guessed it: Verizon.  In other words, they won't lift a finger to protect your data and privacy.

If you look closely, Apple and AT&T aren't too far behind Verizon, while Twitter and Google are on the opposite end, fighting for users in court.

Unfortunately, it means that those of us who aren't Verizon customers have also lost some of our privacy by the fact that some of our friends are on Verizon.  So, if you're on Verizon you not only pay some of the highest rates, but you have zero privacy.  Enjoy!

Also, a big thanks to Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Senator Mark Udall (D-CO) for being on the forefront, trying to warn us about what's been going on and for having our backs.  And thanks to the EFF, too.

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