Monday, April 16, 2012

The irony of the online ICC / ANSI A117.1-2003

The irony of the online, free version of the ICC / ANSI A117.1-2003 accessibility standard, is that the site has extremely poor usability.  It was written by lawyers, for lawyers.

Try it and see for yourself.  Here is your assignment: Find out the clear floor space for a toilet. Count the number of clicks. If you do not find it in less than 6 clicks, you've failed the mission.  If you gave up, you've not only failed the mission but you're also required to turn in your Architecture license (no, not really).

It is practically impossible to find a drawn diagram, without first clicking three times.  Most of the time, you're chasing down a reference to a diagram, in which case it'll take you no less than five clicks.  I suspect they did this, in their own self-serving desires to encourage people to purchase the document, instead of utilizing the free resource.

Shoot the lawyers, cut off their tongues, then shoot their tongues.*  And fire them all.

Just saying, you know?

* - See reference to Captain Jack Sparrow quote.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Then buy a copy.