Tuesday, April 17, 2012

More proof poor people pay taxes (and GOP know squat).

Well I'm not exactly "poor", but for tax filing purposes, my income was below the national poverty level this year, and were it not for the EIC, I would have paid more than 10% of my AGI.

As self-employed, I have to pay what would have normally been an employer's portion of payroll taxes.  This means that some distortions occur with regard to my taxes and taxable income.  Thanks to Democrats and Obama who passed and signed legislation granting a reduced payroll tax, the amount I owed was - ever so - slightly lower.  It was so small, I barely noticed it, actually.  <insert uncomfortable laughter here>

So here's where the distortion occurs: my taxable income was actually ZERO!  So there you go -- I have zero taxable income, but I still paid a big tax, though not big enough to trigger a penalty for underpayment.

And while the Romneys expect to pay about 22% on their taxable income; the Obamas paid about 33% on their taxable income; if I had just $1 left of taxable income, my taxes paid would have been in the thousand-percent range!

Anyway, more proof that poor people pay taxes and Republicans are full of themselves.

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