Saturday, April 7, 2012

the ludicrous presupposition of a leader of the free world, dodging taxes.

"Romney’s tax forms showed holdings in a Swiss bank account ... and nine offshore accounts not named on the public disclosure reports."

In other words, he's got lots of things to hide: his secrets to tax dodging.

Why bother running for President of the United States, if you're going to complain about the taxes you're paying, even though you're paying below the median and one of your offshore accounts may be tied to the UBS tax-evasion kerfuffle?  Hey, no coincidence that the account was closed, when UBS agreed to give up the names of private investors, right?  The Romneys are probably relieved that their names weren't on the list of the thousand or so investors handed over to the IRS, out of the tens of thousands whose accounts were actually part of the UBS scandal.

(A side note: The Tax Foundation made a wonderfully ignominious error of saying that Romney's tax rate of 13.9% for 2010 was above the average American's AGI tax rate as 11%.  You see, for his millionaire income bracket, he's still paying 44% BELOW than the average 25% rate.  To Mitt and his supporters, no tax is too low, apparently.)

I wouldn't be surprised to hear Mitt Romney explain to Americans, how dodging taxes created jobs...and then for the Right to eat it up as Truth.

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