Friday, April 27, 2012

Paul Ryan -- I loved Ayn before I hated her?

This is very funny.  Paul Ryan's changing his tune on Ayn Rand.

I've mocked conservatives before, on their wholehearted love for Ayn Rand, an atheist (or at least agnostic).  Conservatives like Paul Ryan want to pretend they're libertarian and that the two are interchangeable (conservatism and libertarian), but in reality they're not.  What in effect conservatives want, is to remake government with conservative religious values, as opposed to an agnostic government that lets people choose, even their own gods.

If Ayn Rand were alive, she would recoil in horror, to hear that conservatives use religion as a litmus test for public office.

Yes, she would support the conservative rhetoric of a smaller government, but that's obviously not what conservatives are attempting to do, anyway.  They support increased spending for the military and are willing to add new laws that require additional federal spending.  In other words, government spending priorities change, but not the size.

Ron Paul is another fake acolyte, by the way.  He's drifted over to the religious conservative party of late, in a delusional belief that he could actually win the Republican nomination for President.

I leave you with this:
"But to be a follower of both [Ayn] Rand and Christ is not possible. The original Objectivist was a type of self-professed anti-Christ who hated Christianity and the self-sacrificial love of its founder. She recognized that those Christians who claimed to share her views didn’t seem to understand what she was saying."
Ayn Rand is Missundaztood.

P.S. Religion is Collectivist by nature.  Liberalism is Collectivist with or without Religion.

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