Saturday, April 7, 2012

Mitch McConnell caught in (yet) another lie.

Democrats are starting to push the Buffet rule, and Republicans are scrambling with excuses.  Today, Mitch responded that "this is yet another proposal from Democrats that won't create a single job or lower the price at the pump by a penny, but may have the opposite effect."

By default, the money would be used to reduce the debt without cutting spending, as opposed to the effects of Republican plans to cut spending.

Some of the tax dollars collected could easily be used to give out job and education grants or to do a Cash 4 Clunkers II, where anyone buying a hybrid or electric vehicle would get up to $15,000 back.  The first would provide an aggregate demand for education-related jobs, the latter would dramatically lower oil usage in transportation, leading to higher supply and lower price expectations from speculation.

If more federal taxes collected is bad and reducing the debt is good, then why did Mitch all by himself request $300 million dollars for the State of Kentucky, in just a three year period (2008 -2010)?  (If you look at that same three year period, he was involved (cosigner)  in over $1.5 BILLION in earmark requests!)

Apparently the only condition in which a rich person's taxes creates jobs, is when that spending request is initiated by Mitch or another Republican.

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