Thursday, April 26, 2012

Uh oh...I better get rid of my Western movie collection.

I just read this story on a recent settlement by the City of Portland.  $250K is not enough, IMO.

There are numerous, disturbing things about what happened to an innocent man -- tasered five times in the back, broken face, mistaken identity, exaggerated and false testimony by a police officer, failure to question a suspect before using force to take him down.  This one really bothers me: the city attorney tried to use the innocent man's classic kung-fu film collection as proof that he was a violent man.

Talk about a stretch of the imagination there.  I am left flabbergasted that a lawyer would try to use circumstantial evidence that had no bearing on the validity of the lawsuit, to try to paint an innocent man in poor light.  Does this mean that we all have to be proactive and destroy any and all movies and video games that might otherwise color us as violent, too?

Do I have to get rid of my classic Westerns, including my Clint Eastwood movies?

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