Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Some predictions and thoughts about the first 2012 debate.

The first debate is solely focused on domestic issues.  Here are my eight (primary and several peripheral) predictions about the first debate:

  1. There will be a distinct, split tone (see #5 and #8);
  2. The donkey will try to pin the tail on the elephant; he will hit some and he will miss some, but one hit will be out of the ballpark and it will garner roaring applause; the elephant will try to use zingers in his rebuttal, and at least one (or more) will seem dispassionate;
  3. The elephant will avoid talking about Bain; conservatives will later on complain bitterly that the elephant has turned a net plus into a net nothing;
  4. Both sides will talk about being humbled by others or external events; everyone will like these "tender" moments, including the pundits;
  5. The hors d'oeuvre will be the economy; the elephant will sound angry as he uses the words, "failed" and "worse" 10x each; the donkey will signal frustration with politics but hopeful, using the words, "improving" and "growth" 10x each; the donkey will try to slip in "harvest"; the elephant will try to slip in Joe Biden;
  6. The main course will be Medicare with a heavy sprinkling of Obamneycare; unless the elephant comes out with a defined Medicare plan, the donkey will pull no punches over the magical fairy dust that the elephant is trying to use;
  7. It'll get testy; the elephant will get one of his one-line zingers screwed up; the donkey will lecture over his allotted time, but request that he be allowed to finish his lecture;
  8. In closing statements, the donkey will speak of the difficult work that had been required to reach where we are, and even though we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, there still remains a lot of work ahead; the elephant will talk about the perils we face, which were created by the donkey himself, and now the elephant has to come in and fix them.
More importantly, I'm going to be paying attention to body language and facial gestures.  Both the donkey and elephant respond similarly to a lie by stuttering and looking away for a split moment.  I'm thinking about keeping an elephant smirk versus donkey grin tally, too.

And if it ever comes up, just remember that Ben Bernanke is a registered REPUBLICAN who was appointed by a REPUBLICAN President.  In other words, to conservative pundits and politicians, if you're not with us, you're against us -- the lasting legacy of hate and separation.

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