Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I could be wrong but...

Windows8 will be much more than a flop; it'll drag the entire desktop PC industry down with it, and the fortunes of Intel, alongside.  The question is, will Microsoft come to its senses and install a startup bypass function, to skip the tablet-based UI and go straight to the desktop, and bring back the Start button, or will they deny any mistakes and boldly go where no one wants to go (towards irrelevance)?

Have you seen the Modern UI, formerly known as Metro?  It does not fit the productivity profile; it's a nightmare for people with Dyslexia, while encouraging ADHD.  I want my desktop clean, not cluttered.

Minimalism is best, on the desktop.

Don't need Live Tile info on my start screen.

While there are a lot of people out there with cluttered screens, I don't think it's a laudable goal to encourage cluttered screens, with Live Tiles.  In fact, everything should be easily, rapidly accessible with the fewest number of movements with your mouse, finger or touchpad, right?

A lot of people have long committed to memory, the location of the Start button and the taskbar with quick-launch icons; Windows8 inflicts the sort of torture that a conservative would wonder, "why did you have to break something that didn't need to be fixed in the first place?"

Google's Cards, is the best solution to updated live information.

And why would you want to pay extra money for what boils down to the cost of a Windows license, which always makes Android tablets cheaper, up and down the manufacturing lineup?

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