Thursday, October 4, 2012

More on the first 2012 debate.

Four years ago, it was all about Barack Obama's cool under fire temperament; now, the pundits have decided that he was detached from the debate.  Folks, he was the same guy.

Did he skip on bringing up the 47%?  Sure.  But Mitt also failed to bring up his cred as leader of Bain (or maybe he was purposely running away from it).

It's also worth noting that Mitt used a lot of doublespeak.

  • Loves PBS, Jim Lehrer and Big Bird, but would still cut funding to it;
  • Loves green energy, but would stop funding it, and instead would chase oil and "clean" coal;
  • Loves "clean" coal, but says that we have to cut regulation that determines the cleanliness of coal;
  • Says that "we" care for those who need help, but says we need to cut spending that would result in fewer jobs and more people who need help;
  • Says that lower taxes on job creators means more jobs, but then says his tax cuts shall be revenue-neutral from the start, to prevent a growing debt.
But that's not what the media was focused on.  In this modern age of rudeness and loudmouths, substance has been displaced on the debate stage.

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