Monday, October 22, 2012

20 minutes into 3rd presidential debate.

I was's extremely civil, by comparison to the second debate.  Perhaps because they're sitting at a desk, unable to easily get up from a stool and walk towards each other, things are calmer?

Pretty substantial stuff going on here, unlike the previous two debates.  Amazing.

Of course, Bob Schieffer is tossing easy lobs right now.

Whoops, I spoke too soon.  Bob just let the whole debate go back to domestic issues.  So much for being a good moderator.

Update 2: 40 minutes in, and Barack Obama got the best line in...we also have fewer bayonets, but that doesn't mean we're less secure (on Mitt's contention that we have a smaller Navy with fewer ships than since 1917).

It's likely to be the #1 highlight.

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